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Nutrient Power
Dr. Walsh’s book speaks of the integrative and nutritional interventions for several psychiatric conditions including depression, schizophrenia and autism. He relies on mostly his own research and the research of his mentors. For most of his interventions he speaks to how to test for deficiencies and which nutritional interventions to use (though he does not give treatment guidelines or dosing).
Integrative Medicine for Depression
Integrative guru and psychiatrist Dr. James Greenblatt has likely the most robust library of integrative books for patients and providers. He is a huge inspiration to this website and this technique (as you can probably tell by the book suggestions). Many of his interventions overlap with his work since many nutritional causes cause symptoms that reflect several disorders.
Enlyte/Embrace is a prescription folate replacement medication. It contains integrative staples like folate, magnesium, and b-vitamins but in pharmaceutical grade. It requires a prescription from a provider but has shown to be effective in treating depressive disorders as adjunct or mono therapy. It is also safe to use in pregnancy and well tolerated.
Finally Focused
Integrative guru and psychiatrist Dr. James Greenblatt has likely the most robust library of integrative books for patients and providers. He is a huge inspiration to this website and this technique (as you can probably tell by the book suggestions). Many of his interventions overlap with his work since many nutritional causes cause symptoms that reflect several disorders. Finally Focused is his most transparent as far as offering integrative approaches to ADHD and gives specific testing and dosing breakdowns.
Healing ADD
A new book to my library (but certainly not a new book) Dr. Amen takes an etiological approach to diagnosing ADHD rather than the traditional symptom one size fits all approach. He breaks down causes of ADHD and treatments for them
Healing Schizophrenia
Integrative psychiatry founding father Abram Hoffer’s theories have largely been drowned out by new expensive anti-psychotic medication. A recent emergence of interest in nutritional interventions brings relevance to this work largely due to new research explaining the gut/brain connection that brings merit to anti-inflammation focused approach. Interest is also influenced by the continued limited efficacy of antipsychotic medication with severe side effects.
Eating Disorders
Integrative medicine for Binge Eating
Integrative guru and psychiatrist Dr. James Greenblatt has likely the most robust library of integrative books for patients and providers. He is a huge inspiration to this website and this technique (as you can probably tell by the book suggestions). Many of his interventions overlap with his work since many nutritional causes cause symptoms that reflect several disorders.
Luma is a medical food and therefor available to buy online. It contains a mixture of supplements that are scientifically shown to be cognitively enhancing and small doses of lithium that may be preventative of Alzheimer’s. Luma also shows promise for other neurodegenerative disorders like Huntington’s and Parkinson’s.
Integrative guru and psychiatrist Dr. James Greenblatt has likely the most robust library of integrative books for patients and providers. He is a huge inspiration to this website and this technique (as you can probably tell by the book suggestions). Many of his interventions overlap with his work since many nutritional causes cause symptoms that reflect several disorders.
Substance Abuse
From the same company that created Luma and Enlyte/Embrace, enlyte-D is a folate replacing medical food. Unlike Enlyte/Embrace it does not require prescription but participation with a provider is recommended. Individuals with substance abuse issues have a high likelihood of folate deficiency, this specific product differs slightly from enlyte/embrace to benefit people with substance use disorders.
Genesight is featured here because it is offered at Goodwin Health Café for clients being seen in the private practice. It is covered by Medicaid and medicare and has generous private pay options for those whose ins won’t cover. With genetic testing medication dosing can be adjusted to clients specific genetic make up increasing efficacy and decreasing side effects. It also checks for the MTHFR gene involved in folate availability.
Great Plains
Great plains is the central for integrative testing. Many labs can be done by local lab draw businesses, but many can’t, for instant organic acids tests, toxic metal screens and many others focused at nutritional integrative interventions.
For Providers
Simple and Practical
Dr. Mago presented at the most recent NEI conference of psychotropic medication and he was the only presenter who could say he had no financial disclosures from pharmaceutical companies. This was given applause at the conference. His site is very much that, simple and practical information for prescribing psychiatric medication. It has great patient resources and abundant non-pharmacological side effect management interventions.
Integrative Therapies for Depression
A collection of articles arranged by James Greenblatt, this resource is essential for identifying and justifying integrative approaches to depression.
Clinical Psychopharmacology
Dr. Ghaemi’s textbook on psychopharmacology. It took a long time to read because after a half page of reading there was so much new material learned I would have to put the book down to process. His emphasis on a mood disorder spektrum and on disease (not symptom) focused treatment is quickly becoming the standard of care, and closely aligns with integrative values. He speaks in depth of the history and evidence of each medications which challenges a lot of modern approaches in treatment.
Prescriber Guide Stahl
Dr. Stahl founded of the NEI and pharmacology conferences, and unlike Dr. Mago has significant financial ties to various pharmaceutical companies. He does not seem to value an integrative approach, but this book is certainly the bible of pharmacology and med management. And even though he is paid well for his ties to pharmaceutical companies this book remains the most extensive, concise and useable resources for psychiatric medication, and likely should be on the desk of every provider who proscribes psychotropics. Medications are still a large part of integrative psychiatry and this book contains the standard of care that allows for safe and ethical medication prescription.
Successful Psychopharmacology
One of the first books and resources of mine for psychopharmacology. Dr. Sobel first engrained it in my mind to, when treating psychiatric illness, identify the underlying neurotransmitter based off the assessment and symptoms. This book contains guidance for prescribing medications for women who are pregnant and breastfeeding and it uses research to guide every piece of information.
Memorable Psychopharmacology
Memorable psychopharmacology should be bought by every future prescriber preparing to take their licensure tests. The mnemonics used for conditions, medications and side effects are still swimming in my head and guiding my decisions, treatments and teachings.’