Goodwin Health Café is a private practice run by nurse practitioners who treat mental health conditions and disorders. Goodwin Health Café employs both psychiatric and primary care nurse practitioners to address both the medical and psychiatric conditions that can lead to mental illness.

Nicholas Goodwin
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
Nicholas Goodwin is a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. He specializes in treating mental health disorders including depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar, schizophrenia, ADHD, eating disorders and substance abuse disorders. Dr. Goodwin graduated from WSU in 2018 as an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner with a specialty certification in psychiatry and mental health. He has worked in mental health inpatient, residential, substance abuse, and outpatient settings since 2012. He is currently a nursing professor at Spokane Community College. Dr. Goodwin is passionate about mental health and hopes to help people with their mental health in a personalized way; as well as, help de-stigmatize mental illness in the community. Dr. Goodwin is licensed to see clients across the lifespan.